With the number of pre-teen and teen suicides on the rise within the last 5 years, there's no denying the direct link between bullying and suicides. When bullying becomes to close for comfort, parents such as A'mera Frieman sping into action!
There are times school officials are in denial of a serious bullying problem within their schools until it is too late and a tragedy strikes. Parents often times express their concerns for their chil(dren) well being and safety at school, only to be met with the excuses of "kids will be kids" as if that is an acceptable response to said concerns. Amera, however, refused to "become frustrated or let my children become a suicide or pipeline to a prison static", so she created an antibullying training manual to help school officials and teachers navigate & interject in bullying incidences. This training manual has made its way to being certified by the Texas Early Childhood Professional Development system in 2016!
Among pioneering a manual for an extremely important issue such as bullying, Amera also heads the "Dallas Womens Success Initative". Want to know more about DWSI and many hats Amera wears? Find out more inside!